Online Testing Information

Started by Admin, August 16, 2020, 02:39:59 PM

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After checking for local exam sessions at:

ARRL VEC Exams Search
Find an On-line Exam
PARC On-Line Exam

The information below is provided by a local amateur radio operator that successfully upgraded using an on-line exam session. 

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Subject:    Re: Online testing
Date:    Sun, 16 Aug 2020 13:14:28 -0400
From:    Leo Dubois - KE8OOS
To:    Earl Paazig

Good afternoon,

Remote testing for Ham

Links -
The above link shows openings for various sessions. PARC is where I took my examination with and they will take requests for specific times/dates.

They are on ham study and below is their direct link

The testing online is very easy and relaxing. They require you to be in a room with no books, papers etc. and anything ham/electronic related. You log in to zoom meeting (they email you the link), you log in with your phone and your computer.

When you are set up in your room, they will have you take your phone around so they are able to see everything around the room. The room must have a door and the door must remain closed during testing.  After you show the VEs your room and everything is approved you then set up your phone behind you which gives the VEs the ability to see you from the front and back.

They then have you close all windows on your computer, and share your screen so they can ensure there are no programs running in the background (they are awesome about going step by step explaining how to do everything).

Once all three VEs have reviewed that everything is good, they have you open a website and give you the login credentials with instructions that you can not stand-up, move from your computer, talk to anyone including yourself. If you need a calculator you can use the one on the computer (but you must let them know before the test starts).

Once you enter your credentials the VE in charge wishes you good luck and mutes all of the VE's as he tells you to begin.

Upon completion of the examination, the lead VE unmutes his mic. verifies with the other VEs that the examination was completed correctly and your result shows up on the screen.

Notes -

You do have to prepay via PayPal as a donation
They do record the entire session and keep the recording in case there is a question of the validity of the testing.

I have done both in person for my Technician and Online for General and Extra and there are positives for both. The in-person is nice to be able to get to meet other hams. I also like the idea of online and being able to choose my time and day of the exam, being in a relaxed atmosphere (my own house), and the VEs where I took the exam where completely positive and patient.

They do turn everything in electronic format for reporting successful completion, and for both my General and Extra I had it on my FCC record within 12 hrs.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 12:17 PM Earl Paazig wrote:


    I would to share some information on the NARA website about remote
    testing.  Since you had some success with that, please links and other


    Earl W8BR