NARA October 2017 Meeting Minutes

Started by Admin, March 21, 2018, 10:09:45 AM

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Hi Folks,

The NARA meeting is this Saturday, November 18 at the Red Cross building, 145 South 30th Street, Newark, starting at 6:00 PM.

We do not have a program scheduled for this meeting, but I'm sure we can find lots of ham radio to talk about!  Please join us for this time.

I'm attaching a draft copy of the minutes of the July meeting.  We'll have a couple of printed copies at the meeting, but will not read through the minutes before considering them for approval.

Elections for 2018:  I'm also attaching a copy of an email sent by Bret KD8SCL reminding everyone that it's time to elect NARA officers for next year.  Bret and Russ W8ATA are on the nominating committee this year. Please contact them for your suggestions.  Mary Beth and I have enjoyed and appreciated your help over the past two years, but feel it is now time for new leadership in our roles as President and Secretary.

Weldon K8NQ


Hi Folks,

Tom Ecleberry WB8YOK has volunteered to bring along his calibration equipment to the NARA meeting this Saturday.  With it he will be able to measure and calibrate your radios.  This will be especially helpful with VHF/UHF radios since he can check deviation, as well as frequency, power settings, etc..
Bring your radios to the meeting!  He will need a connection to the radio with standard cables, such as UHF, BNC, etc. In the case of HTs you will need an adapter cable as if you were connecting to an external antenna.   He also will bring a power supply to use with your mobile radios.  This is a great opportunity for a first-class check of your radio.
Many thanks to Tom!


Weldon K8NQ